Saturday, June 8, 2013

20130608 Burgos, Spain

The walk through the suburbs of Burgos is difficult because its on concrete. Concrete and asphalt really have been what my Robles is with the cities on this walk. If the cities had dirt trails, I would probably love them!

Burgos is an amazing city with a beautiful gothic cathedral. However, my favorite part of Burgos was its public transportation system!!!!!!!!!!  After about 3km of concrete suburbs, I noticed a bus terminal shelter. I figured out the bus map, waited 2 minutes, and caught a bus that took me straight to the cathedral, where the albergue was! Brilliant! That bus did in 10 minutes what would have taken me 2 hours. One thing I've learned on this trip: the world is HUGE! It's really big. And also, I love buses! Lol.

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1 comment:

Danny Nieves Ortiz said...

Great Photograph - I love the graffiti!