Friday, June 28, 2013

20130628 Things I threw out on the Camino

Things I threw out on the Camino

 3rd pair socks
3rd pair shorts
The pages of the guide book as I completed the stages
Every first aid kit item that didn't have to do with preventing/treating foot blisters
Sleeping bag
Shampoo & conditioner
Everything more than a few days worth of laundry and body soap
Flashlight (sorry, Dad! It was too heavy!!!)
Bottle of iodine
Bed bug sheet
Lip gloss

I'm sure I'm forgetting things. In the end, everything I carried was absolutely necessary. Except the deodorant. That wasn't necessary, but I kept it anyway.

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Camino Sewing
This is how I hemmed my pants 5 weeks ago. It's worked out very well!

First glimpse of Santiago!

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1 comment:

bARE-eYED sUN said...

yay! kudos! and Congratulations on reaching Santiago. {also condolences, 'cause i'm sure that its bittersweet}

also, your feet don't look worse for the wear, that's encouraging news to your wannabee-pilgrim dad. :-)